\name{predict.mlogreg} \alias{predict.mlogreg} \title{Predict Method for mlogreg Objects} \description{ Prediction for test data using an object of class \code{mlogreg}. } \usage{ \method{predict}{mlogreg}(object, newData, type = c("class", "prob"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class \code{mlogreg}, i.e.\ the output of the function \code{mlogreg}.} \item{newData}{a matrix or data frame containing new data. If omitted \code{object\$data}, i.e.\ the original training data, are used. Each row of \code{newData} must correspond to a new observation. Each row of \code{newData} must contain the same variable as the corresponding column of the data matrix used in \code{\link{mlogreg}}, i.e.\ \code{x} if the default method of \code{\link{mlogreg}} has been used, or \code{data} \emph{without} the column containing the response if the \code{formula} method has been used.} \item{type}{character vector indicating the type of output. If \code{"class"}, a vector containing the predicted classes of the observations will be returned. If \code{"prob"}, the class probabilities for each level and all observations are returned.} \item{...}{Ignored.} } \value{ A numeric vector containing the predicted classes (if \code{type = "class"}), or a matrix composed of the class probabilities (if \code{type = "prob"}). } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{mlogreg}} } \keyword{regression}