\name{plot.logicFS} \alias{plot.logicFS} \alias{plot.logicBagg} \title{Variable Importance Plot} \description{ Generates a dotchart of the importance of the most important interactions for an object of class \code{logicFS} or \code{logicBagg}. } \usage{ \method{plot}{logicFS}(x, topX = 15, cex = 0.9, pch = 16, col = 1, show.prop = FALSE, force.topX = FALSE, coded = TRUE, add.thres = TRUE, thres = NULL, include0 = TRUE, add.v0 = TRUE, v0.col = "grey50", main = NULL, ...) \method{plot}{logicBagg}(x, topX = 15, cex = 0.9, pch = 16, col = 1, show.prop = FALSE, force.topX = FALSE, coded = TRUE, include0 = TRUE, add.v0 = TRUE, v0.col = "grey50", main = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of either class \code{logicFS} or \code{logicBagg}.} \item{topX}{integer specifying how many interactions should be shown. If \code{topX} is larger than the number of interactions contained in \code{x} all the interactions are shown. For further information, see \code{force.topX}.} \item{cex}{a numeric value specifying the relative size of the text and symbols.} \item{pch}{specifies the used symbol. See the help of \code{par} for details.} \item{col}{the color of the text and the symbols. See the help of \code{par} for how colors can be specified.} \item{show.prop}{if \code{TRUE} the proportions of models that contain the interactions of interest are shown. If \code{FALSE} (default) the importances of the interactions are shown.} \item{force.topX}{if \code{TRUE} exactly \code{topX} interactions are shown. If \code{FALSE} (default) all interactions up to the \code{topX}th most important one and all interactions having the same importance as the \code{topX}th most important one are shown.} \item{coded}{should the coded variable names be displayed? Might be useful if the actual variable names are pretty long. The coded variable name of the \emph{j}-th variable is \code{Xj}.} \item{add.thres}{should a vertical line marking the threshold for a prime implicant to be called important be drawn in the plot? If \code{TRUE}, this vertical line will be drawn at \code{NULL}.} \item{thres}{non-negative numeric value specifying the threshold for a prime implicant to be called important. If \code{NULL} and \code{add.thres = TRUE}, the suggested threshold from \code{x} will be used.} \item{include0}{should the x-axis include zero regardless whether the importances of the shown interactions are much higher than 0?} \item{add.v0}{should a vertical line be drawn at \eqn{x = 0}? Ignored if \code{include0 = FALSE} and all importances are larger than zero.} \item{v0.col}{the color of the vertical line at \eqn{x = 0}. See the help page of \code{par} for how colors can be specified.} \item{main}{character string naming the title of the plot. If \code{NULL}, the name of the importance measure is used.} \item{...}{Ignored.} } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{logicFS}}, \code{\link{logic.bagging}} } \keyword{hplot}