\name{mlogreg} \alias{mlogreg} \alias{mlogreg.default} \alias{mlogreg.formula} \alias{print.mlogreg} \title{Multinomial Logic Regression} \description{ Performs a multinomial logic regression for a nominal response by fitting a logic regression model (with logit as link function) for each of the levels of the response except for the level with the smallest value which is used as reference category. } \usage{ \method{mlogreg}{formula}(formula, data, recdom = TRUE, ...) \method{mlogreg}{default}(x, y, ntrees = 1, nleaves = 8, anneal.control = logreg.anneal.control(), select = 1, rand = NA, ...) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{an object of class \code{formula} describing the model that should be fitted.} \item{data}{a data frame containing the variables in the model. Each column of \code{data} must correspond to a binary variable (coded by 0 and 1) or a factor (for details on factors, see \code{recdom}) except for the column comprising the response, and each row to an observation. The response must be a categorical variable with less than 10 levels. This response can be either a factor or of type \code{numeric} or \code{character}.} \item{recdom}{a logical value or vector of length \code{ncol(data)} comprising whether a SNP should be transformed into two binary dummy variables coding for a recessive and a dominant effect. If \code{TRUE} (logical value), then all factors (variables) with three levels will be coded by two dummy variables as described in \code{\link{make.snp.dummy}}. Each level of each of the other factors (also factors specifying a SNP that shows only two genotypes) is coded by one indicator variable. If \code{FALSE} (logical value), each level of each factor is coded by an indicator variable. If \code{recdom} is a logical vector, all factors corresponding to an entry in \code{recdom} that is \code{TRUE} are assumed to be SNPs and transformed into the two binary variables described above. Each variable that corresponds to an entry of \code{recdom} that is \code{TRUE} (no matter whether \code{recdom} is a vector or a value) must be coded by the integers 1 (coding for the homozygous reference genotype), 2 (heterozygous), and 3 (homozygous variant).} \item{x}{a matrix consisting of 0's and 1's. Each column must correspond to a binary variable and each row to an observation.} \item{y}{either a factor or a numeric or character vector specifying the values of the response. The length of \code{y} must be equal to the number of rows of \code{x}.} \item{ntrees}{an integer indicating how many trees should be used in the logic regression models. For details, see \code{logreg} in the \code{LogicReg package}.} \item{nleaves}{a numeric value specifying the maximum number of leaves used in all trees combined. See the help page of the function \code{logreg} in the \code{LogicReg} package for details.} \item{anneal.control}{a list containing the parameters for simulated annealing. For details, see the help page of \code{logreg.anneal.control} in the \code{LogicReg} package.} \item{select}{numeric value. Either 0 for a stepwise greedy selection (corresponds to \code{select = 6} in \code{logreg}) or 1 for simulated annealing.} \item{rand}{numeric value. If specified, the random number generator will be set into a reproducible state.} \item{...}{for the \code{formula} method, optional parameters to be passed to the low level function \code{mlogreg.default}. Otherwise, ignored.} } \value{ An object of class \code{mlogreg} composed of \item{model}{a list containing the logic regression models,} \item{data}{a matrix containing the binary predictors,} \item{cl}{a vector comprising the class labels,} \item{ntrees}{a numeric value naming the maximum number of trees used in the logic regressions,} \item{nleaves}{a numeric value comprising the maximum number of leaves used in the logic regressions,} \item{fast}{a logical value specifying whether the faster search algorithm, i.e.\ the greedy search, has been used.} } \references{ Holger Schwender, Ingo Ruczinski, Katja Ickstadt (2009). Testing SNPs and SNP Interactions for Importance on the Prediction in Association Studies. Submitted. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \seealso{\code{\link{predict.mlogreg}}, \code{\link{logic.bagging}}, \code{\link{logicFS}}} \keyword{tree} \keyword{regression}