\name{make.snp.dummy} \alias{make.snp.dummy} \title{SNPs to Dummy Variables} \description{ Transforms SNPs into binary dummy variables. } \usage{ make.snp.dummy(data) } \arguments{ \item{data}{a matrix containing only 1's, 2's and 3's (see details). Each column of \code{data} corresponds to a SNP and each row to an observation.} } \value{ A matrix with 2*\code{ncol(data)} columns containing 2 dummy variables for each SNP. } \details{ \code{make.snp.dummy} assumes that the homozygous dominant genotype is coded by 1, the heterozygous genotype by 2, and the homozygous recessive genotype by 3. For each SNP, 2 dummy variables are generated: \describe{ \item{SNP.1}{At least one of the bases explaining the SNP are of the recessive type.} \item{SNP.2}{Both bases are of the recessive type.} } } \note{ See the \code{R} package \code{scrime} for more general functions for recoding SNPs. } \author{Holger Schwender, \email{holger.schwender@udo.edu}} \keyword{manip}