\name{data.logicfs} \docType{data} \alias{data.logicfs} \alias{cl.logicfs} \title{Example Data of logicFS} \description{ \code{data.logicfs} contains two objects: a simulated matrix \code{data.logicfs} of 400 observations (rows) and 15 variables (columns) and a vector \code{cl.logicfs} of length 400 containing the class labels of the observations. Each variable is categorical with realizations 1, 2 and 3. The first 200 observations are cases, the remaining are controls. If one of the following expression is \code{TRUE}, then the corresponding observation is a case: SNP1 == 3 SNP2 == 1 AND SNP4 == 3 SNP3 == 3 AND SNP5 == 3 AND SNP6 == 1 where SNP1 is in the first column of \code{data.logicfs}, SNP2 in the second, and so on. } \seealso{ \code{\link{logic.bagging}}, \code{\link{logicFS}} } \keyword{datasets}