\name{topRomer} \alias{topRomer} \title{Top Gene Set Testing Results from Romer} \description{ Extract a matrix of the top gene set testing results from the \link{romer} output. } \usage{ topRomer(x,n=10,alternative="up") } \arguments{ \item{x}{matrix which is the output from \link{romer}.} \item{n}{number of top gene set testing results to be extracted.} \item{alternative}{character which can be one of the three possible alternative p values: "up", "down" or "mixed". } } \value{ matrix, which is sorted by the "up", "down" or "mixed" p values, with the rows corresponding to estimated p-values for the top number of gene sets and the columns corresponding to the number of genes for each gene set and the alternative hypotheses mixed, up, down. } \details{ This function takes the results from romer and returns a number of top gene set testing results that are sorted by the p values. } \examples{ # See romer for examples } \seealso{\code{\link{romer}}} \author{Gordon Smyth and Yifang Hu}