\name{residuals.MArrayLM} \title{Extract Residuals from MArrayLM Fit} \usage{ \S3method{residuals}{MArrayLM}(object, y, \dots) } \alias{residuals.MArrayLM} \arguments{ \item{object}{a fitted model object inheriting from class \code{MarrayLM}.} \item{y}{a data object containing the response data used to compute the fit. This can be of any class for which \code{as.matrix} is defined, including \code{MAList}, \code{ExpressionSet}, \code{marrayNorm} etc.} \item{\dots}{other arguments are not used} } \description{ This method extracts the residuals from all the probewise linear model fits and returns them in a matrix. } \value{ Numeric matrix of residuals. } \seealso{ \code{\link[stats]{residuals}}. } \keyword{models} \keyword{regression}