\name{read.ilmn} \alias{read.ilmn} \title{Read Illumina Expression Data} \description{Read Illumina summary probe profile files and summary control probe profile files} \usage{ read.ilmn(files=NULL, ctrlfiles=NULL, path=NULL, ctrlpath=NULL, probeid="Probe", annotation=c("TargetID", "SYMBOL"), expr="AVG_Signal", other.columns=NULL, sep="\t", quote="\"", verbose=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{files}{ character vector giving the names of the summary probe profile files.} \item{ctrlfiles}{ character vector giving the names of the summary control probe profile files.} \item{path}{ character string giving the directory containing the summary probe profile files. The default is the current working directory.} \item{ctrlpath}{ character string giving the directory containing the summary control probe profile files. The default is the current working directory.} \item{probeid}{ character string giving the name of the probe identifier column.} \item{annotation}{ character vector giving possible names of the annotation column. It could be called "TargetID" or "SYMBOL" depending on which version of BeadStudio is used.} \item{expr}{ character string giving the keyword in the names of the expression intensity columns.} \item{other.columns}{ character vector giving the keywords in the names of extra columns required, such as "Detection", "Avg_NBEADS", "BEAD_STDEV" etc. Each keyword corresponds to one type of columns.} \item{sep}{ the field separator character.} \item{quote}{ character string of characters to be treated as quote marks.} \item{verbose}{ logical, \code{TRUE} to report names of profile files being read.} \item{...}{ any other parameters are passed on to \code{\link{read.columns}}.} } \details{ Illumina BeadStudio ouputs probe intensities (regular probe intensities) and control probe intensities to summary probe profile files (containing regular probes) and summary control probe profile files, respectively. If both \code{files} and \code{ctrlfiles} are not \code{NULL}, this function will combine the data read from the two file types and save them to an \code{\link{EListRaw-class}} object. If one of them is \code{NULL}, then only the required data are read in. Probe types are indicated in the \code{Status} column of \code{genes}, a component of the returned \code{\link{EListRaw-class}} object. There are totally seven types of control probes including \code{negative}, \code{biotin}, \code{labeling}, \code{cy3_hyb}, \code{housekeeping}, \code{high_stringency_hyb} or \code{low_stringency_hyb}. Regular probes have the probe type \code{regular}. The \code{Status} column will not be created if \code{ctrlfiles} is \code{NULL}. To read in columns other than \code{probeid}, \code{annotation} and \code{expr}, users needs to specify keywords in \code{other.columns}. One keyword corresponds to one type of columns. Examples of keywords are "Detection", "Avg_NBEADS", "BEAD_STDEV" etc. } \value{ An \code{\link{EListRaw-class}} object with the following components: \item{E}{ numeric matrix of raw intensities.} \item{genes}{ data.frame of probe annotation.} \item{targets}{ data.frame of sample information.} \item{other}{ list of other column data.} } \author{Wei Shi and Gordon K Smyth} \seealso{ \code{\link{read.ilmn.targets}} reads in Illumina expression data using the file information extracted from a target data frame which is often created by the \code{\link{readTargets}} function. \code{\link{neqc}} performs normexp by control background correction, log transformation and quantile between-array normalization for Illumina expression data. \code{\link{normexp.fit.control}} estimates the parameters of the normal+exponential convolution model with the help of negative control probes. \code{\link{propexpr}} estimates the proportion of expressed probes in a microarray. } \examples{ \dontrun{ x <- read.ilmn(files="sample probe profile.txt",ctrlfiles="control probe profile.txt") } } \keyword{IO}