\name{QualityWeights} \alias{QualityWeights} \alias{wtarea} \alias{wtflags} \alias{wtIgnore.Filter} \title{Spot Quality Weights} \description{ Functions to calculate quality weights for individual spots based on image analyis output file. } \usage{ wtarea(ideal=c(160,170)) wtflags(weight=0,cutoff=0) wtIgnore.Filter } \arguments{ \item{ideal}{numeric vector giving the ideal area or range of areas for a spot in pixels} \item{weight}{weight to be given to flagged spots} \item{cutoff}{cutoff value for \code{Flags} below which spots will be downweighted} } \details{ These functions can be passed as an argument to \code{read.maimages} to construct quality weights as the microarray data is read in. \code{wtarea} downweights unusually small or large spots and is designed for SPOT output. It gives weight 1 to spots which have areas in the ideal range, given in pixels, and linearly downweights spots which are smaller or larger than this range. \code{wtflags} is designed for GenePix output and gives the specified weight to spots with \code{Flags} value less than the \code{cutoff} value. Choose \code{cutoff=0} to downweight all flagged spots. Choose \code{cutoff=-50} to downweight bad or absent spots or \code{cutoff=-75} to downweight only spots which have been manually flagged as bad. \code{wtIgnore.Filter} is designed for QuantArray output and sets the weights equal to the column \code{Ignore Filter} produced by QuantArray. These weights are 0 for spots to be ignored and 1 otherwise. } \value{ A function which takes a dataframe or matrix as argument and produces a numeric vector of weights between 0 and 1 } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ An overview of LIMMA functions for reading data is given in \link{03.ReadingData}. } \examples{ # Read in spot output files from current directory and give full weight to 165 # pixel spots. Note: for this example to run you must set fnames to the names # of actual spot output files (data not provided). \dontrun{ RG <- read.maimages(fnames,source="spot",wt.fun=wtarea(165)) # Spot will be downweighted according to weights found in RG MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG,layout) } } \keyword{regression}