\name{printHead} \alias{printHead} \title{Print Leading Rows of Large Objects} \description{ Print the leading rows of a large vector, matrix or data.frame. This function is used by \code{show} methods for data classes defined in LIMMA. } \usage{ printHead(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{any object} } \details{ If \code{x} is a vector with more than 20 elements, then \code{printHead(x)} prints only the first 5 elements. If \code{x} is a matrix or data.frame with more than 10 rows, then \code{printHead(x)} prints only the first 5 rows. Any other type of object is printed normally. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ An overview of classes defined in LIMMA is given in \link{02.Classes} } \keyword{hplot}