\title{Write MA-Plots to Files} \name{plotMA3by2} \alias{plotMA3by2} \description{ Write MA-plots to files in PNG format, six plots to a file in a 3 by 2 grid arrangement. } \usage{ plotMA3by2(MA, prefix="MA", path=NULL, main=colnames(MA), zero.weights=FALSE, common.lim=TRUE, device="png", ...) } \arguments{ \item{MA}{an \code{MAList} or \code{RGList} object, or any list with components \code{M} containing log-ratios and \code{A} containing average intensities} \item{prefix}{character string giving prefix to attach to file names} \item{path}{character string specifying directory for output files} \item{main}{character vector giving titles for plots} \item{zero.weights}{logical, should points with non-positive weights be plotted} \item{common.lim}{logical, should all plots on a page use the same axis limits} \item{device}{device driver for the plot. Choices are \code{"png"}, \code{"jpeg"}, \code{"pdf"}, \code{"postscript"}.} \item{...}{any other arguments are passed to \code{plotMA}} } \details{ This function writes a series of graphic files to disk. Each file contains six MA-plots in three rows and two columns. The layout is optimized for A4-sized paper. The graph format can be \code{"png"} or \code{"jpeg"}, which are screen-resolution formats, or \code{"pdf"} or \code{"postscript"}, which are loss-less formats. \code{"png"} is not available on every R platform. Note that \code{"pdf"} or \code{"postscript"} may produce very large files. } \value{ No value is returned, but one or more files are written to the working directory. The number of files is determined by the number of columns of \code{MA}. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ An overview of diagnostic functions available in LIMMA is given in \link{09.Diagnostics}. } \keyword{hplot}