\name{exprs.MA} \alias{exprs.MA} \title{Extract Log-Expression Matrix from MAList} \description{ Extract the matrix of log-expression values from an \code{MAList} object. } \usage{ exprs.MA(MA) } \arguments{ \item{MA}{an \code{MAList} object.} } \details{ Converts M and A-values to log-expression values. The output matrix will have two columns for each array, in the order green, red for each array. This contrasts with \code{as.matrix.MAList} which extracts the M-values only, or \code{RG.MA} which converts to expression values in \code{RGList} form. } \value{ A numeric matrix with twice the columns of the input. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \link{02.Classes} gives an overview of data classes used in LIMMA. } \keyword{array}