\name{bwss} \alias{bwss} \title{Between and within sums of squares} \description{Sums of squares between and within groups. Allows for missing values.} \usage{bwss(x,group)} \arguments{ \item{x}{a numeric vector giving the responses.} \item{group}{a vector or factor giving the grouping variable.} } \value{ A list with components \item{bss}{sums of squares between the group means.} \item{wss}{sums of squares within the groups.} \item{bdf}{degrees of freedom corresponding to \code{bss}.} \item{wdf}{degrees of freedom corresponding to \code{wss}.} } \details{This is equivalent to one-way analysis of variance.} \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{\code{\link{bwss.matrix}}} \keyword{models}