\name{arrayWeightsQuick} \alias{arrayWeightsQuick} \title{Array Quality Weights} \description{ Estimates relative quality weights for each array in a multi-array experiment with replication. } \usage{ arrayWeightsQuick(y, fit) } \arguments{ \item{y}{the data object used to estimate \code{fit}. Can be of any class which can be coerced to matrix, including \code{matrix}, \code{MAList}, \code{marrayNorm} or \code{ExpressionSet}.} \item{fit}{\code{MArrayLM} fitted model object} } \details{ Estimates the relative reliability of each array by measuring how well the expression values for that array follow the linear model. This is a quick and dirty version of \code{\link{arrayWeights}}. } \value{ Numeric vector of weights of length \code{ncol(fit)}. } \references{ Ritchie, M. E., Diyagama, D., Neilson, van Laar, R., J., Dobrovic, A., Holloway, A., and Smyth, G. K. (2006). Empirical array quality weights for microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics. (Accepted 11 April 2006) } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ See \link{arrayWeights}. An overview of LIMMA functions for reading data is given in \link{03.ReadingData}. } \examples{ \dontrun{ fit <- lmFit(y, design) arrayWeightsQuick(y, fit) } } \keyword{regression}