\name{PrintLayout} \docType{class} \alias{PrintLayout-class} \title{Print Layout - class} \description{ A list-based class for storing information about the process used to print spots on a microarray. \code{PrintLayout} objects can be created using \code{\link{getLayout}}. The \code{printer} component of an \code{RGList} or \code{MAList} object is of this class. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects of this class contains no slots but should contain the following list components: \tabular{ll}{ \code{ngrid.r}:\tab number of grid rows on the arrays\cr \code{ngrid.c}:\tab number of grid columns on the arrays\cr \code{nspot.r}:\tab number of rows of spots in each grid\cr \code{nspot.c}:\tab number of columns of spots in each grid\cr \code{ndups}:\tab number of duplicates of each DNA clone, i.e., number of times print-head dips into each well of DNA\cr \code{spacing}:\tab number of spots between duplicate spots. Only applicable if \code{ndups>1}. \code{spacing=1} for side-by-side spots by rows, \code{spacing=nspot.c} for side-by-side spots by columns, \code{spacing=ngrid.r*ngrid.c*nspot.r*nspot.c/2} for duplicate spots in top and bottom halves of each array.\cr \code{npins}:\tab actual number of pins or tips on the print-head\cr \code{start}:\tab character string giving position of the spot printed first in each grid. Choices are \code{"topleft"} or \code{"topright"} and partial matches are accepted. } } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \link{02.Classes} gives an overview of all the classes defined by this package. } \examples{ # Settings for Swirl and ApoAI example data sets in User's Guide printer <- list(ngrid.r=4, ngrid.c=4, nspot.r=22, nspot.c=24, ndups=1, spacing=1, npins=16, start="topleft") # Typical settings at the Australian Genome Research Facility # Full pin set, duplicates side-by-side on same row printer <- list(ngrid.r=12, ngrid.c=4, nspot.r=20, nspot.c=20, ndups=2, spacing=1, npins=48, start="topright") # Half pin set, duplicates in top and lower half of slide printer <- list(ngrid.r=12, ngrid.c=4, nspot.r=20, nspot.c=20, ndups=2, spacing=9600, npins=24, start="topright") } \keyword{classes} \keyword{data}