\name{EList-class} \docType{class} \alias{EList-class} \alias{EListRaw-class} \title{Expression List - class} \description{ Simple list-based classes for storing expression values (E-values) for a set of one-channel microarrays. \code{EListRaw} holds expression values on the raw scale. \code{EList} holds expression values on the log scale, usually after background correction and normalization. \code{EListRaw} objects are normally created by \code{\link{read.maimages}}. In the future, \code{EList} objects are likely to be created \code{\link{normalizeBetweenArrays}}. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ \code{EList} objects can be created by \code{new("EList",E)} where \code{E} is a list. These classes contains no slots (other than \code{.Data}), but objects should contain a list component \code{E} as follows: \tabular{ll}{ \code{E}:\tab numeric matrix containing the E-values (raw or log-2 expression ratios). Rows correspond to spots and columns to arrays. } Optional components include: \tabular{ll}{ \code{weights}:\tab numeric matrix of same dimensions as \code{E} containing relative spot quality weights. Elements should be non-negative.\cr \code{other}:\tab list containing other matrices, all of the same dimensions as \code{E}.\cr \code{genes}:\tab data.frame containing probe information. Should have one row for each probe. May have any number of columns.\cr \code{targets}:\tab data.frame containing information on the target RNA samples. Rows correspond to arrays. May have any number of columns. } Valid \code{EList} or \code{EListRaw} objects may contain other optional components, but all probe or array information should be contained in the above components. } \section{Methods}{ These classes inherit directly from class \code{list} so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. In addition, \code{EList} objects can be \link[limma:subsetting]{subsetted} and \link[limma:cbind]{combined}. \code{EList} objects will return dimensions and hence functions such as \code{\link[limma:dim]{dim}}, \code{\link[base:nrow]{nrow}} and \code{\link[base:nrow]{ncol}} are defined. \code{ELists} also inherit a \code{\link[methods]{show}} method from the virtual class \code{\link[limma:LargeDataObject]{LargeDataObject}}, which means that \code{ELists} will print in a compact way. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \link{02.Classes} gives an overview of all the classes defined by this package. \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} is a more formal class in the Biobase package. } \keyword{classes} \keyword{data}