\name{09.Diagnostics} \alias{09.Diagnostics} \title{Diagnostics and Quality Assessment} \description{ This page gives an overview of the LIMMA functions available for microarray quality assessment and diagnostic plots. This package provides an \code{\link[limma:anova-method]{anova}} method which is designed for assessing the quality of an array series or of a normalization method. It is not designed to assess differential expression of individual genes. \code{\link[limma:anova-method]{anova}} uses utility functions \code{\link{bwss}} and \code{\link{bwss.matrix}}. The function \code{\link{arrayWeights}} estimates the empirical reliability of each array following a linear model fit. Diagnostic plots can be produced by \describe{ \item{ \code{\link{imageplot}} }{ Produces a spatial picture of any spot-specific measure from an array image. If the log-ratios are plotted, then this produces an in-silico representation of the well known false-color TIFF image of an array. \code{\link{imageplot3by2}} will write imageplots to files, six plots to a page.} \item{ \code{\link{plotFB}} }{ Plots foreground versus background log-intensies for a two-color array.} \item{ \code{\link{plotMA}} }{ MA-plots. One of the most useful plots of a two-color array. \code{\link{plotMA3by2}} will write MA-plots to files, six plots to a page. \code{\link{mdplot}} can also be useful for comparing two one-channel microarrays.} \item{ \code{\link{plotPrintTipLoess}} }{ Produces a grid of MA-plots, one for each print-tip group on an array, together with the corresponding lowess curve. Intended to help visualize print-tip loess normalization.} \item{ \code{\link{plotPrintorder}} }{ For an array, produces a scatter plot of log-ratios or log-intensities by print order.} \item{ \code{\link{plotDensities}} }{ Individual channel densities for one or more arrays. An essential plot to accompany between array normalization, especially quantile normalization.} \item{ \code{\link{plotMDS}} }{ Multidimensional scaling plot for a set of arrays. Useful for visualizing the relationship between the set of samples.} \item{ \code{\link{plotSA}} }{ Sigma vs A plot. After a linear model is fitted, this checks constancy of the variance with respect to intensity level.} } \code{plotPrintTipLoess} uses utility functions \code{\link{gridr}} and \code{\link{gridc}}. \code{\link{plotDensities}} uses utility function \code{\link{RG.MA}}. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \keyword{documentation}