\name{keggDF2graph} \alias{keggDF2graph} \alias{KOgraph} \alias{keggOrthDF} \title{create a graph from a specific data frame format for KEGG orthology} \description{create a graph from a specific data frame format for KEGG orthology } \usage{ keggDF2graph(df, root="KO.June07root") data(KOgraph) } \arguments{ \item{df}{ the data frame} \item{root}{ a name for root node} } \details{ the obvious directed graph structure from root to leaf nodes (pathway names) is instantiated for the orthology, nodeData attribute tag is loaded with the numerical tag for the term in KEGG, and nodeData attribute depth is loaded with depth from root Based on keggorthology read of KEGG orthology, March 2 2010. Specifically, we run wget on \url{ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg/brite/ko/ko00001.keg} and use parsing and modeling code given in inst/keggHTML to generate a data frame respecting the hierarchy, and then \code{\link{keggDF2graph}} to construct the graph. } \value{ a \code{\link[graph]{graphNEL-class}} instance } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } \note{This is only a support function. The graph is serialized in the package data directory. } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(keggOrthDF) keggOrthDF[1:5,] data(KOgraph) nodes(KOgraph)[1:4] nodeData(KOgraph,,"tag")[1:5] nodeData(KOgraph,,"depth")[1:5] } \keyword{ models }