\name{indRender} \alias{indRender} \title{indented textual rendering of nodes of a hierarchical graph } \description{ indented textual rendering of nodes of a hierarchical graph } \usage{ indRender(klike, from=nodes(klike)[1], indent=" ") } \arguments{ \item{klike}{ a graph, with tree structure similar to \code{\link{KOgraph}}} \item{from}{ a node name from which the rendering should proceed to all leaves} \item{indent}{ token to use for indentation -- will be replicated to depth of node to be rendered to its left} } \details{ Based on keggorth read of KEGG orthology, March 2 2010. Specifically, we run wget on \url{ftp://ftp.genome.jp/pub/kegg/brite/ko/ko00001.keg} and use parsing and modeling code given in inst/keggHTML to generate a data frame respecting the hierarchy, and then \code{\link{keggDF2graph}} to construct the graph. } \value{ NULL } %\references{ } \author{Vince Carey } %\note{ } %\seealso{ } \examples{ data(KOgraph) indRender(KOgraph, "Human Diseases") } \keyword{ models }