\name{Hs.cytoband} \alias{Hs.cytoband} \alias{Rn.cytoband} \alias{Mm.cytoband} \alias{Cf.cytoband} \docType{data} \title{Cytogenetic Banding information} \description{ Cytogenetic banding information for Homo sapiens (Hs) ,Mus musculus (Mm) and Rattus norvegicus (Rn) } \usage{data(Hs.cytoband)} \format{ Hs.cytoband is an environment containing 24 objects of class "cytoband" as defined by the idiogram package. Rn.cytoband and Mm.cytoband have also been included for the rat and mouse genomes. } \source{ UCSC Genome Browser http://genome.ucsc.edu/ } \examples{ data(Hs.cytoband) cyto <- get("1",env=Hs.cytoband) bands <- matrix(cyto@end-cyto@start,ncol=1) barplot(bands,col="white") } \keyword{datasets}