\name{graphLayout} \alias{graphLayout} \title{ Layout a graph. } \description{ This function is designed to layout a graph using the \pkg{Rgraphviz} package. The \pkg{hyperdraw} package makes this a generic function with a method for \code{graphBPH} objects. The function of the same name in the \pkg{Rgraphviz} package is used as a method for \code{Ragraph} objects. } \usage{ graphLayout(graph, layoutType, ...) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{ An \code{graphBPH} object, which is to be laid out. } \item{layoutType}{ The layout method (e.g., \code{dot} or \code{neato}). } \item{\dots}{ These arguments will be passed to the \code{agopen()} function. } } \value{ An \code{RagraphBPH} object. } \references{ Gansner, E.R. and and North, S.C. (1999) An open graph visualization system and its applications to software engineering, \emph{Software - Practice and Experience}, 30:1203--1233. Gentry, J. and Long, L. and Gentleman, R. and Falcon, S. and Hahne, F. and Sarkar, D. and Hansen, K. \pkg{Rgraphviz}: Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects. } \author{ Paul Murrell } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\link{agopen}} and \code{\link{GraphvizLayouts}} } \examples{ nodes <- c(LETTERS[1:5], paste("R", 1:3, sep="")) testgnel <- new("graphNEL", nodes=nodes, edgeL=list( A=list(edges=c("R1", "R2")), B=list(edges="R2"), C=list(), D=list(edges="R3"), E=list(), R1=list(edges="B"), R2=list(edges=c("C", "D")), R3=list(edges="E")), edgemode="directed") testbph <- new("graphBPH", testgnel, "^R") testrabph <- graphLayout(testbph) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ dplot }