\name{graphBPH} \alias{graphBPH} \alias{graphBPH,graphNEL,character-method} \alias{graphBPH,Hypergraph,missing-method} \title{Constructor for graphBPH objects} \description{ A convenience constructor for \code{\link{graphBPH-class}} objects. This is a generic function. } \usage{ graphBPH(graph, edgeNodePattern, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{graph}{Some form of graph that is to be converted into a \code{graphBPH} object.} \item{edgeNodePattern}{A regular expression used to distinguish between normal nodes and edge nodes.} \item{...}{ Potential arguments to other methods. } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{graphBPH}{ \code{signature(graph = "graphNEL", edgeNodePattern = "character")}: create a \code{graphBPH} object from a (directed) \code{graphNEL} object. } \item{graphBPH}{ \code{signature(graph = "Hypergraph", edgeNodePattern = "missing")}: create a \code{graphBPH} object from a \code{Hypergraph} object (where all \code{Hyperedges} are \code{DirectedHyperedges}). } } } \value{ An object of class \code{\link{graphBPH-class}} } \references{ Falcon, S. and Gentleman, R. \pkg{hypergraph}: A package providing hypergraph data structures. Gentleman, R. and Whalen, E. and Huber, W. and Falcon, S. \pkg{graph}: A package to handle graph data structures. } \author{Paul Murrell} \seealso{ \code{\link{graphBPH-class}} } \keyword{classes}