\name{boot2fuzzy} \alias{boot2fuzzy} \title{function to write MapleTree files for viewing bootstrap estimated cluster membership probabilities based on hopach clustering results} \description{ The MapleTree software (http://mapletree.sourceforge.net/) is an open source, cross-platform, visualization tool to graphically browse results of cluster analyses. The \code{boot2fuzzy} function takes a data matrix, plus corresponding \code{hopach} clustering output and bootstrap resampling output, and writes the (.cdt, .fct, and .mb) files needed to view these "fuzzy clustering" results in MapleTree. } \usage{ boot2fuzzy(data, bootobj, hopach.genes, hopach.arrays = NULL, file="hopach", clust.wts = NULL, gene.wts = NULL, array.wts = NULL, gene.names = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{data}{data matrix, data frame or exprSet of gene expression measurements. Each column corresponds to an array, and each row corresponds to a gene. All values must be numeric. Missing values are ignored.} \item{bootobj}{output of \code{boothopach} or \code{bootmedoids} applied to the genes - a matrix of bootstrap estimated cluster membership probabilities, with a row for each row in \code{data} and a column for each cluster.} \item{hopach.genes}{output of the \code{hopach} function applied to genes (rows of \code{data}.} \item{hopach.arrays}{optional output of the \code{hopach} function applied to arrays (columns of \code{data}.} \item{file}{name for the output files (the extensions .cdt, .mb and .fct will be added).} \item{clust.wts}{an optional vector of numeric weights for the clusters.} \item{gene.wts}{an optional vector of numeric weights for the genes.} \item{array.wts}{an optional vector of numeric weights for the arrays.} \item{gene.names}{optional vector of names or annotations for the genes, which can be different from the row names of \code{data}} } \value{ The function \code{boot2fuzzy} has no value. It writes three text files to the current working directory. } \references{ van der Laan, M.J. and Pollard, K.S. A new algorithm for hybrid hierarchical clustering with visualization and the bootstrap. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2003, 117, pp. 275-303. %\begin{verbatim} \url{http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~laan/Research/Research_subpages/Papers/hopach.pdf} %\end{verbatim} %\emph{} } \author{Katherine S. Pollard } \note{Thank you to Lisa Simirenko for providing HOPACH views in MapleTree, and to Karen Vranizan for her input. The MapleTree software can be downloaded from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mapletree/} \seealso{\code{\link{hopach}}, \code{\link{boothopach}}, \code{\link{bootmedoids}}, \code{\link{hopach2tree}}} \examples{ #25 variables from two groups with 3 observations per variable mydata<-rbind(cbind(rnorm(10,0,0.5),rnorm(10,0,0.5),rnorm(10,0,0.5)),cbind(rnorm(15,5,0.5),rnorm(15,5,0.5),rnorm(15,5,0.5))) dimnames(mydata)<-list(paste("Var",1:25,sep=""),paste("Exp",1:3,sep="")) mydist<-distancematrix(mydata,d="cosangle") #compute the distance matrix. #clusters and final tree clustresult<-hopach(mydata,dmat=mydist) #bootstrap resampling myobj<-boothopach(mydata,clustresult) #write MapleTree files boot2fuzzy(mydata,myobj,clustresult) } \keyword{cluster} \keyword{nonparametric} \keyword{multivariate}