\name{getHMedian} \alias{getHMedian} \alias{getHMedian,erodebin-method} \title{Get coordiantes of the median cell after the erode operation} \description{ A method for a eroded hexbin object to extract the coordinates of the median cell. The median is simply the cell with the highest erosion number or the last cell to be eroded. } \usage{ getHMedian(ebin) } \arguments{ \item{ebin}{result of \code{\link{erode.hexbin}()}.} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{ebin = "erodebin"}{...} } } \seealso{\code{\link{erode.hexbin}} } \examples{ set.seed(153) x <- rnorm(10000) y <- rnorm(10000) bin <- hexbin(x,y) smbin <- smooth.hexbin(bin) erodebin <- erode.hexbin(smbin, cdfcut=.5) getHMedian(erodebin) } \keyword{methods}