\name{graph.par} \alias{graph.par} \alias{graph.par.get} \title{Graphical parameters and other settings } \description{ Functions providing an interface to persistent graphical parameters and other settings used in the package. } \usage{ graph.par(...) graph.par.get(name) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ either character strings naming parameters whose values are to be retrieved, or named arguments giving values that are to be set. } \item{name}{ character string, giving a valid parameter name. } } \details{ \code{graph.par} works sort of like \code{\link{par}}, but the details are yet to be decided. \code{graph.par.get(name)} is equivalent to \code{graph.par(name)[[1]]} } \value{ In query mode, when no parameters are being set, \code{graph.par} returns a list containing the current values of the requested parameters. When called with no arguments, it returns a list with all parameters. When a parameter is set, the return value is a list containing previous values of these parameters. } \seealso{ \code{\link{par}} } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar, \email{deepayan.sarkar@r-project.org} } \keyword{utilities}