\name{randomNodeGraph} \alias{randomNodeGraph} \title{Generate Random Graph with Specified Degree Distribution} \description{ \code{randomNodeGraph} generates a random graph with the specified degree distribution. Self-loops are allowed. The resultant graph is directed (but can always be coerced to be undirected). } \usage{ randomNodeGraph(nodeDegree) } \arguments{ \item{nodeDegree}{A named integer vector specifying the node degrees. } } \details{ The input vector must be named, the names are taken to be the names of the nodes. The sum must be even (there is a theorem that says we require that to construct a graph). Self-loops are allowed, although patches to the code that make this a switchable parameter would be welcome. } \value{ An instance of the \code{graphNEL} class. The graph is directed. } \references{Random Graphs as Models of Networks, M. E. J. Newman. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{randomGraph}}, \code{\link{randomEGraph}} } \examples{ set.seed(123) c1 <- c(a = 1, b = 1, c = 2, d = 4) (g1 <- randomNodeGraph(c1)) stopifnot(validObject(g1)) } \keyword{graphs} \keyword{manip}