\name{multiGraph-class} \docType{class} \alias{multiGraph-class} \alias{edgeSet-class} \alias{edgeSetNEL-class} \alias{edgeSetAM-class} \alias{show,multiGraph-method} \alias{show,edgeSet-method} \alias{isDirected,multiGraph-method} \alias{isDirected,edgeSet-method} \alias{edgemode,edgeSet-method} \alias{nodes,multiGraph-method} \alias{nodes,edgeSetAM-method} \alias{numNodes,multiGraph-method} \alias{edges,multiGraph,missing-method} \alias{edges,multiGraph,character-method} \alias{edges,edgeSetAM,character-method} \alias{edges,edgeSetNEL,character-method} \alias{numEdges,edgeSetAM-method} \alias{numEdges,multiGraph-method} \title{Class "multiGraph" } \description{A collection of classes to model multigraphs. These include the multiGraph class as well as classes to contain edge sets. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created from the \code{multiGraph} class, the \code{edgeSet} class is virtual, and particular variants should be used. } \section{Slots}{ These slots are for the multiGraph class. \describe{ \item{nodes}{The names of the nodes.} \item{edgeL}{A list of edge lists.} \item{nodeData}{An instance of the \code{attrData} class.} \item{graphData}{A list.} } These slots are for the \code{edgeSet} class, or one of its sublcasses. \describe{ \item{edgeData}{An instance of the \code{attrData} class.} \item{edgemode}{A character vector, one of directed, or undirected.} \item{edgeL}{A list of the edges (graphNEL)} \item{adjMat}{An adjacency matrix (graphAM)} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{Print a multigraph.} \item{isDirected}{A vector indicating which of the edgeSets is directed.} \item{nodes}{Retrieve the node names} \item{numNodes}{Return the number of nodes} \item{edges}{Return either all edges, or a subset of them, depending on the arguments supplied.} \item{numEdges}{Return a vector with the number of edges, for each edge set.} } } \keyword{classes}