\name{isAdjacent-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{isAdjacent-methods} \alias{isAdjacent} \title{Determine if nodes share an edge in a graph} \usage{ isAdjacent(object, from, to, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An instance of a subclass of \code{\link{graph-class}}.} \item{from}{A \code{character} vector of nodes in the graph.} \item{to}{A \code{character} vector of nodes in the graph} \item{...}{May be used by methods called on subclasses of \code{graph}} } \description{ For a given subclass of \code{graph-class}, returns \code{TRUE} if the graph contains an edge from node specified by \code{from} to the node specified by \code{to}. The appropriate logical vector will be returned as long as \code{from} and \code{to} have the same length and contain nodes in the graph object specified by \code{object}. } \keyword{methods}