\name{graphNEL-class} \docType{class} \alias{graphNEL-class} \alias{coerce} \alias{edgeL} \alias{edges} \alias{edges} \alias{initialize} \alias{nodes<-} \alias{nodes} \alias{addEdge,character,character,graphNEL,numeric-method} \alias{addEdge,character,character,graphNEL,missing-method} \alias{addNode,character,graphNEL-method} \alias{adj,graphNEL,ANY-method} \alias{clearNode,character,graphNEL-method} \alias{coerce,graphNEL,generalGraph-method} \alias{coerce,graphNEL,graphAM-method} \alias{coerce,graphNEL,graphBAM-method} \alias{edgeL,graphNEL-method} \alias{edges,graphNEL,missing-method} \alias{edges,graphNEL,character-method} \alias{edgeWeights,graphNEL-method} \alias{inEdges,graphNEL,missing-method} \alias{inEdges,missing,graphNEL-method} \alias{inEdges,character,graphNEL-method} \alias{initialize,graphNEL-method} \alias{nodes<-,graphNEL,character-method} \alias{nodes,graphNEL-method} \alias{numNodes,graphNEL-method} \alias{removeEdge,character,character,graphNEL-method} \alias{removeNode,character,graphNEL-method} \alias{toGXL,graphNEL-method} \title{Class "graphNEL"} \description{ This is a class of graphs that are represented in terms of nodes and an edge list. This is a suitable representation for a graph with a large number of nodes and relatively few edges.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("graphNEL", nodes, edgeL, edgemode)}. \describe{ \item{nodes}{A character vector of node labels.} \item{edgeL}{A named list either in the format returned by the \code{edges} method or a list of lists where each inner list has an element named \code{edges} and optionally an element named \code{weights}. If \code{weights} is present, it must be the same length as the \code{edges} element.} \item{edgemode}{Either "directed" or "undirected".} } } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{nodes}:}{Object of class \code{"vector"}.} \item{\code{edgeL}:}{Object of class \code{"list"}. The \code{edgeL} must be the same length as \code{nodes}. The elements of this vector correspond to the same element in \code{nodes}. The elements are themselves lists. If the node has any edges then this list will have an element named \code{edges}. This will eventually change. Since edge weights are now stored in the edge attributes construct, we do not need the extra level of list. } } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"graph"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{adj}{\code{signature(object = "graphNEL")}: A method for finding nodes adjacent to the suplied node.} \item{edgeL}{\code{signature(graph = "graphNEL")}: A method for obtaining the edge list.} \item{edgeWeights}{\code{signature(object = "graphNEL")}: A method for obtaining the edge weights. } \item{edges}{\code{signature(object = "graphNEL")}: A method for obtaining the edges.} \item{inEdges}{\code{signature(node = "character", object = "graphNEL")}: Return the incoming edges for the specified nodes. See \code{\link{inEdges}}.} \item{nodes}{\code{signature(object = "graphNEL")}: A method for obtaining the nodes. } \item{numNodes}{\code{signature(object = "graphNEL")}:A method for determining how many nodes are in the graph. } \item{subGraph}{\code{signature(snodes="character", graph = "graphNEL")}:A method for obtaining the induced subgraph based on the set of supplied nodes and the supplied graph.} \item{plot}{Please see the help page for \code{plot.graphNEL} in the \code{Rgraphviz} package} \item{graph2graphviz}{\code{signature(object = "graphNEL")}: A method that will convert a \code{graphNEL} object into a matrix suitable for interaction with \code{Rgraphviz}. Not intended to be called directly. This function will insure that no NA's (or other undesired values) are in the graph, or created by coersion.} \item{nodes<-}{\code{signature(object="graphNEL", value="character")}: A method for replacing the nodes in a graph object. It checks to be sure the values are the right length and unique. } \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "graphNEL", to = "graphAM")}: Called via \code{as}, the method converts to an adjacency matrix representation. See \code{\link{graphAM-class}}. } \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "graphNEL", to = "graphBAM")}: Called via \code{as}, the method converts to an bit array representation. See \code{\link{graphBAM-class}}. } } } \details{ The \code{graphNEL} class provides a very general structure for representing graphs. It will be reasonably efficient for lists with relatively more nodes than edges. Although this representation can support multi-edges, such support is not implemented and instances of \code{graphNEL} are assumed to be simple graphs with at most one edge between any pair of nodes. The \code{edgeL} is a named \code{list} of the same length as the node vector. The names are the names of the nodes. Each element of \code{edgeL} is itself a list. Each element of this (sub)list is a vector (all must be the same length) and each element represents an edge to another node. The sublist named \code{edges} holds index values into the node vector. And each such entry represents an edge from the node which has the same name as the component of \code{edgeL} to the node with index provided. Another component that is often used is named \code{weights}. It represents edge weights. The user can specify any other edge attributes (such as types etc). They are responsible for any special handling that these might require. For an \code{undirected} instance all edges are reciprocated (there is an edge from A to B and from B to A). Note that the reason for using indices to represent the \code{to} end of a node is so that we can easily support permutation of the node labels as a way to generate randomizations of the graph. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{graphAM-class}}, \code{\link{distGraph-class}}, \code{\link{clusterGraph-class}} } \examples{ set.seed(123) V <- LETTERS[1:4] edL <- vector("list", length=4) names(edL) <- V for(i in 1:4) edL[[i]] <- list(edges=5-i, weights=runif(1)) gR <- new("graphNEL", nodes=V, edgeL=edL) edges(gR) edgeWeights(gR) } \keyword{classes}