\name{duplicatedEdges} \alias{duplicatedEdges} \title{duplicatedEdges } \description{ A multigraph is a graph where edges between nodes can be represented several times. For some algorithms this causes problems. \code{duplicatedEdges} tests an instance of the \code{graphNEL} class to see if it has duplicated edges and returns \code{TRUE} if it does and \code{FALSE} otherwise. } \usage{ duplicatedEdges(graph) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{An instance of the class \code{graphNEL} } } \details{ It would be nice to handle other types of graphs. } \value{ A logical, either \code{TRUE} if the graph has duplicated edges or \code{FALSE} it not. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{ \code{\link{connComp}}, \code{\link{ugraph}} } \examples{ ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ---- ##-- ==> Define data, use random, } \keyword{manip }