\name{calcSumProb} \alias{calcSumProb} \title{ Calculate the probability that a subgraph has an unusual number of edges.} \description{ For any graph a set of nodes can be used to obtain an induced subgraph (see \code{\link{subGraph}}). An interesting question is whether that subgraph has an unusually large number of edges. This function computes the probability that a \emph{random} subgraph with the same number of nodes has more edges than the number observed in the presented subgraph. The appropriate probability distribution is the hypergeometric. } \usage{ calcSumProb(sg, g) } \arguments{ \item{sg}{ subgraph made from the original graph } \item{g}{ original graph object from which the subgraph was made } } \value{ The probability of having greater than or equal to the subgraph's number of edges is returned. } \details{ The computation is based on the following argument. In the original graph there are \eqn{n} nodes and hence \eqn{N=n*(n-1)/2} edges in the complete graph. If we consider these \eqn{N} nodes to be of two types, corresponding to those that are either in our graph, \code{g}, or not in it. Then we think of the subgraph which has say \eqn{m} nodes and \eqn{M=m*(m-1)/2} possible edges as representing \eqn{M} draws from an urn containing \eqn{N} balls of which some are white (those in \code{g}) and some are black. We count the number of edges in the subgraph and use a Hypergeomtric distribution to ask whether our subgraph is particularly dense. } \author{ Elizabeth Whalen } \seealso{ \code{\link{calcProb}} } \examples{ set.seed(123) V <- letters[14:22] g1 <- randomEGraph(V, .2) sg1 <- subGraph(letters[c(15,17,20,21,22)], g1) calcSumProb(sg1, g1) } \keyword{ manip }