\name{calcProb} \alias{calcProb} \title{ Calculate the hypergeometric probability of the subgraph's number of edges. } \description{ \code{calcProb} calculates the probability of having the number of edges found in the subgraph given that it was made from \code{origgraph}. The hypergeometric distribution is used to calculate the probability (using the pdf). } \usage{ calcProb(subgraph, origgraph) } \arguments{ \item{subgraph}{ subgraph made from the original graph } \item{origgraph}{ original graph object from which the subgraph was made } } \value{ The probability of the subgraph's number of edges is returned. } \author{ Elizabeth Whalen } \seealso{ \code{\link{calcSumProb}} } \examples{ #none right now } \keyword{ manip }