\name{attrDataItem-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{attrDataItem-methods} \alias{attrDataItem<--methods} \alias{attrDataItem} \alias{attrDataItem<-} \title{Get and set attributes values for items in an attrData object} \usage{ attrDataItem(self, x, attr) attrDataItem(self, x, attr) <- value } \arguments{ \item{self}{A \code{\link{attrData-class}} instance} \item{x}{A \code{character} vector of item names} \item{attr}{A \code{character} vector of length 1 giving the attribute name to get/set. Note that the attribute name must have already been defined for the \code{attrData} object via \code{\link{attrDefaults}}. If missing, return a list of all attributes for the specified nodes.} \item{value}{An R object to set as the attribute value for the specified items. If the object has length one or does not have a length method defined, it will be assigned to all items in \code{x}. If the length of \code{value} is the same as \code{x}, the corresponding elements will be assigned. We will add an argument to indicate that the \code{value} is to be taken as-is for those cases where the lengths are the same coincidentally.} } \description{ The \code{attrDataItem} method provides get/set access to items stored in a \code{\link{attrData-class}} object. } \keyword{methods}