\name{expandedLevel} \alias{expandedLevel} \alias{expandTerm} \title{Function to create expanded levels which can contain GO Terms at different GO levels} \description{ This function, combined with function \code{expandTerm}, allows to create mixed levels which can contain terms belonging to different GO levels. Specifically one can take one (or several, but one by one) term at a given GO level and expand it into its children terms using function expandTerm and then combine them into a new level using this function. } \usage{ expandedLevel(LevelTerms, Term2Expand, onto) expandTerm(GOTerm, onto) } \arguments{ \item{LevelTerms}{Other terms which have not been expanded, and will be combined with the expanded ones} \item{Term2Expand}{The GO term which will be substituted by its children terms} \item{GOTerm}{The GO term which will be substituted by its children terms} \item{onto}{The ontology ('MF','BP','CC'} } \value{ The value returned is the vector combining the original terms with the children of the term that had to be expanded. } \author{Alex Sanchez} \examples{ got<-toTable(GOTERM)[,2:3] desc<-function(s) got[got[,1]==s,2] MFLevel2<-getGOLevel("MF",2) bindingLevel2<-MFLevel2 [2] bindingLevel3 <- expandTerm(bindingLevel2,"MF") print(descbindingLevel3<-as.matrix(sapply(bindingLevel3,desc ))) mixedLevel<-c(MFLevel2[-2],bindingLevel3) print(mixedLevel<-as.matrix(sapply(mixedLevel,desc ))) } \keyword{manip}