\name{conversionFunctions} \alias{as.GOTerms.frame} \alias{as.GOTerms.list} \alias{BioCpack2EntrezIDS} \alias{BioCpack2Profiles} \alias{BioCprobes2Entrez} \alias{GOTermsFrame2GOTermsList} \title{Functions to transformconvert objects between different types} \description{ These functions transform data from one classtype into another, or pack simple processes such as compute the profiles needed for one annotations package. } \usage{ as.GOTerms.frame(myGOTermsList, na.rm=TRUE) as.GOTerms.list(genelist, probeType, orgPackage=NULL, anotPkg=NULL, onto="any", na.rm=TRUE) BioCpack2EntrezIDS(anotPkg, na.rm=TRUE) BioCpack2Profiles(anotPkg, orgPackage, level=2, na.rm=TRUE, expanded=FALSE) BioCprobes2Entrez(probeslist , anotPkg, na.rm=TRUE) GOTermsFrame2GOTermsList(myGOTermsFrame, evid=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{myGOTermsList}{GOTermsList object to transform} \item{myGOTermsFrame}{GOTermsFrame object to transform} \item{genelist}{List of genes (Entrez Ids) to transform} \item{evid}{Type of evidence supporting the selected GO Terms} \item{na.rm}{Flag indicating if those ids returning NA must be removed from the output} \item{probeType}{Type of probes to transform into Entrez Ids} \item{probeslist}{List of probes to transform into Entrez Ids} \item{orgPackage}{Name of the organism ('org.Xx.eg.db') annotation package} \item{anotPkg}{Name of the chip annotation package} \item{level}{GO level at which the profile is built} \item{onto}{ontology} \item{expanded}{Flag to decide if an expanded profile has to be computed} } \value{ Every function returns a transformed object or a list of computed profiles } \details{ Not yet available } \author{Alex Sanchez} \examples{ data(CD4Ids) myGOTermsList <- GOTermsList(CD4LLids[1:5], orgPkg="org.Hs.eg.db") myGOTermsFrame<- as.GOTerms.frame(myGOTermsList, na.rm=TRUE) GOTermsFrame2GOTermsList(myGOTermsFrame, evid=FALSE) } \keyword{manip}