\name{vandeVijver} \docType{data} \alias{vandeVijver} \title{A subset of the Breast cancer data from Rosetta Inpharmatics LLC and Netherlands Cancer Institute. (Deprecated)} \description{An \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} containing expression data of 100 breast cancer patients on 407 selected genes plus the following phenotype data. \describe{ \item{SampleID}{Sample ID given by NKI for 295 samples in cohort study (NEJM 347, 01999, 2002)} \item{FirstSeriesID}{Sample ID in first series given by NKI for 78 samples in our first study (Nature 415, p530, 2002)} \item{Posnodes}{Lymph node status from pathology report} \item{EVENTmeta}{Distant metastasis at any time during follow-up, 0 = no, 1 = yes} \item{EVENTdeath}{Death, 0 = no, 1 = yes} \item{TIMEsurvival}{Total survival interval in years between first date of treatment and last date of follow-up (if EVENTdeath = 0) or date of death (if EVENTdeath = 1)} \item{TIMErecurrence}{Disease free interval in years between first date of treatment and last date of follow-up (if all 'EVENTs' are 0) or date of first EVENT (if one ore more 'EVENTs' are 1, i.e., local recurrence, loco-regional recurrence, second primary tumor or distant metastasis)} \item{TIMEmeta}{Metastasis free interval in years between first date of treatment and date of diagnosis of distant metastasis (only if EVENTmeta = 1) (note that interval relates to metastasis at any time during follow-up and not just as first event)} \item{ESR1}{Estrogen receptor alpha expression measurement from microarray (0 = no, 1 = yes)} \item{NIH}{Patient characteristics according to NIH criteria, 1 = low risk, 0 = high risk} \item{St Gallen}{Patient characteristics according to St. Gallen criteria, 1 = low risk, 0 = intermediate/high risk} } } \usage{data(vandeVijver)} \seealso{\code{\link{annotation.vandeVijver}}.} \format{An \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}. See the Biobase package} \note{The \code{vandeVijver} data set is deprecated. It was used for examples in an older version of the package, but is not used anymore. It will be removed from the package in a later version.} \references{M.J. van de Vijver, Y.D. He, L.J. van 't Veer, H. Dai, A.A.M. Hart, D.W. Voskuil, G.J. Schreiber, J.L. Peterse, C. Roberts, M.J. Marton, M. Parrish, D. Atsma, A. Witteveen, A. Glas, L. Delahaye, T. van der Velde, H. Bartelink, S. Rodenhuis, E.T. Rutgers, S.H. Friend, and R. Bernards (2002). A gene-expression signature as a predictor of survival in breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 347 (25), 1999--2009.} \keyword{datasets}