\name{gt.barplot-class} \docType{class} \alias{gt.barplot-class} \alias{z.score} \alias{gt.barplot} \alias{show,gt.barplot-method} \alias{[,gt.barplot-method} \alias{length,gt.barplot-method} \alias{result,gt.barplot-method} \alias{plot,gt.barplot-method} \alias{scale,gt.barplot-method} \alias{sort,gt.barplot-method} \alias{gt.barplot} \alias{z.score,gt.barplot-method} \alias{names,gt.barplot-method} \alias{names<-,gt.barplot-method} \title{Class "gt.barplot" for results of the functions geneplot and sampleplot (Deprecated)} \description{The class gt.barplot stores the output of a call to \code{\link{geneplot}} or \code{\link{sampleplot}}.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{res}:}{Object of class "matrix". The plotted values, with a row for each gene or sample, and the following columns: \code{influence}: the height of the bar, \code{Einf}: expected influence under the null hypothesis, \code{sd.inf}: standard deviation of the influence under the null hypothesis, \code{up}: the colour of the plotted bar (1=green; 0=red)} \item{\code{drawlabels}:}{Object of class "logical". Whether gene or sample labels should be printed at the x-axis.} \item{\code{labelsize}:}{Object of class "numeric". The size of the gene/sample labels.} \item{\code{legend}:}{The meaning of the colours of the bars, to be used in the legend.} \item{\code{colour}:}{The numbers of the colours used in the plot.} \item{\code{colourCode}:}{The meaning of the colours used (shorter version of \code{legend}.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{(gt.barplot): Summarizes plot in numbers.} \item{plot}{(gt.barplot): Redraws the plot. Possible extra arguments: \code{labelsize} and \code{drawlabels}.} \item{"["}{(gt.barplot): Extracts a subset of the genes or samples.} \item{result}{(gt.barplot): Extracts the results matrix as a \code{data.frame}.} \item{length}{(gt.barplot): The number of bars (genes or samples) in the object.} \item{scale}{(gt.barplot): Scales the bars to unit standard deviation.} \item{z.score}{(gt.barplot): Calculates the z.scores for each bar: (influence - expected inf) / sd(inf).} \item{sort}{(gt.barplot): Sorts the bars to a decreasing z.score.} \item{names}{(gt.barplot): The names of the genes or samples.} \item{names<-}{(gt.result): Changes the names of the genes or samples.} } } \note{\code{gt.barplot} has been deprecated: please use use \code{\link{covariates}} or \code{\link{subjects}} instead.} \author{Jelle Goeman: \email{j.j.goeman@lumc.nl}; Jan Oosting} \seealso{\code{\link{sampleplot}}, \code{\link{geneplot}}, \code{\link{globaltest}}.} \keyword{methods}