\name{Multiple testing on the GO graph} \alias{makeGOstructure} \alias{getFocus} \title{Multiple testing on the GO graph (Deprecated)} \description{Three function to test (part of) the GO graph for association of the gene expression profile of GO terms with a response variable. Used together, these functions return multiplicity-adjusted p-values calculated using the Focus Level procedure that preserves the structure of the GO graph.} \usage{ makeGOstructure(data, annotation, top, only.ids, ontology = c("BP", "CC", "MF"), entrez, unreliable) getFocus(GOstructure, maxatoms = 10)} \arguments{ \item{data}{The data set for which the \code{\link{GOstructure}} object is to be made. Can be either an \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}} or a vector of probe indicators.} \item{annotation}{The name of the metaData annotation package to be used. If a metadata package is not available, the name of the organism package (e.g. \code{org.HS.eg.db} can be given instead, and the mapping from probe identifiers to entrez can be supplied with the \code{entrez} argument.} \item{top}{The node to be used as top node of the \code{\link{GOstructure}}. Defaults to one of "GO:0008150", "GO:0005575", "GO:0003674", depending on he ontology chosen. The \code{\link{GOstructure}} object will only contain offspring of the chosen top node.} \item{only.ids}{A vector of GO ids. If this is supplied, GO ids not appearing in this list will not appear in the \code{\link{GOstructure}} object.} \item{ontology}{The ontology to be used. One of Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC) or Molecular Function (MF).} \item{entrez}{A vector of EntrezGene ids with the same length as the number of genes in \code{data}, (and in the same order) giving the mapping from probe identifiers to EntrezGene ids. If this argument is used, the \code{annotation} argument should give the name of the organism annotation package.} \item{unreliable}{Can be used to designate one or more of the GO evidence codes as unreliable. Value must be a vector containing one or more from "IC", "IDA", "IEA", "IEP", "IGI", "IMP", "IPI", "ISS", "NAS", "ND", "RCA", "TAS", "NR".} \item{GOstructure}{An object of class \code{\link{GOstructure}}.} \item{maxatoms}{A tuning parameter that governs the choice of the focus level. \code{getFocus} will choose those GO terms in the focus level in such a way that all offspring gene sets of each focus level term can be constructed as unions of no more than \code{maxatoms} atom gene sets. Default value of \code{maxatoms} is 10. Higher values quickly lead to slower computation. Lower values typically lead to reduced power.} } \details{These functions should be used in the following order. First use \code{makeGOstructure} to make a GO graph tailored to a specific data set. Then \code{getFocus} can be used to choose a focus level. Finally \code{gtGO} performs the focus level procedure.} \note{\code{gtGO} cannot be used in combination with the permutation version of \code{\link{globaltest}}.} \value{The function returns a named vector of multiplicity-adjusted p-values. Adjusted p-values of GO terms not appearing in this vector are larger than the chosen value of \code{maxalpha}.} \references{For references, type: \code{citation("globaltest")}. See also the vignette GlobalTest.pdf included with this package.} \author{Jelle Goeman: \email{j.j.goeman@lumc.nl}; Jan Oosting} \seealso{Examples in the vignette! \code{\link{globaltest}}, \code{\link{GOstructure}}, \code{\link{gt.multtest}}.} \keyword{htest}