\name{plotChr} \alias{plotChr} \title{Plot Smoothed Sense/Anti-sense of Specified Chromosomes} \description{ For a given chromosome, plot the smooths of the sense and the anti-sense from 5' to 3' (left to right on x-axis). } \usage{ plotChr(chrN, senseObj, cols = rep("black", length(senseObj[[1]])), log = FALSE, xloc = c("equispaced", "physical"), geneSymbols = FALSE, ngenes = 20, lines.at = NULL, lines.col = "red") } \arguments{ \item{chrN}{The desired chromosome, e.g. for humans it would be a character string in the set of c(1:22, "X", "Y").} \item{senseObj}{The result of \code{Makesense}.} \item{cols}{A vector of colors for the lines in the plot, typically specified according to a certain pheotype of samples.} \item{log}{Logical, whether log-transformation should be taken on the smoothed expressions.} \item{xloc}{Determines whether the "Representative Genes" will be displayed according to their relative positions on the chromosome (physical), or spaced evenly (equispaced). Default is equispaced.} \item{geneSymbols}{Logical, whether to use Affy IDs or Gene Symbols for "Representative Genes", default is Affy IDs.} \item{ngenes}{Desired number of "Representative Genes". The number of actual displayed genes may differ.} \item{lines.at}{A vector of Affy IDs. Vertical lines will be drawn at specified genes.} \item{lines.col}{A vector of colors associated with \code{lines.at}.} } \author{Robert Gentleman and Xiaochun Li} \seealso{\code{\link{Makesense}}} \examples{ example(Makesense) if (interactive()) op <- par(ask=TRUE) cols <- ifelse(expressionSet133a$cov1=="test 1", "red", "green") plotChr("21", esetobj, cols) # plot on log-scale: plotChr("21", esetobj, cols, log=TRUE) # genesymbol instead of probe names: plotChr("21", esetobj, cols, log=TRUE, geneSymbols=TRUE) # add vertical lines at genes of interest: gs <- c("220372_at", "35776_at", "200943_at") plotChr("21", esetobj, cols, log=TRUE, geneSymbols=FALSE, lines.at=gs) # add vertical lines at genes of interest # with specified colors: gs <- c("220372_at", "35776_at", "200943_at") cc <- c("blue", "cyan","magenta") plotChr("21", esetobj, cols, log=TRUE, geneSymbols=FALSE, lines.at=gs, lines.col=cc) if (interactive()) par(op) } \keyword{hplot}