\name{rejection_plot} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{rejection_plot} \title{ Plot rejections vs. p-value cutoff } \description{ Plot the number, or fraction, of null hypotheses rejected as a function of the p-value cutoff. Multiple sets of p-values are accepted, in a list or in the columns of a matrix, in order to permit comparisons. } \usage{ rejection_plot( p, col, lty = 1, lwd = 1, xlab = "Cutoff", ylab = "Rejections", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim, legend = names(p), at = c("all", "sample"), n_at = 100, probability = FALSE, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{p}{ The p-values to be used for plotting. These may be in the columns of a matrix, or in the elements of a list. One curve will be generated for each column/element, and all \code{NA} entries will be dropped. If column or element names are supplied, they are used by default for a plot legend. } \item{col}{ Colors to be used for each curve plotted. Recycled if necessary. If \code{col} is omitted, \code{\link{rainbow}} is used to generate a set of colors. } \item{lty}{ Line styles to be used for each curve plotted. Recycled if necessary. } \item{lwd}{ Line widths to be used for each curve plotted. Recycled if necessary. } \item{xlab}{ X-axis text label. } \item{ylab}{ Y-axis text label. } \item{xlim}{ X-axis limits. } \item{ylim}{ Y-axis limits. } \item{legend}{ Text for legend. Matrix column names or list element names (see \code{p} above) are used by default. If \code{NULL}, no legend is plotted. } \item{at}{ Should step functions be plotted with a step at every value in \code{p}, or should linear interpolation be used at a sample of points spanning \code{xlim}? The latter looks when there are many p-values. } \item{n_at}{ When \code{at = "sample"} is given, how many sample points should be used for interpolation and plotting? } \item{probability}{ Should the fraction of null hypotheses rejected be reported instead of the count? See the \code{probability} argument to \code{\link{hist}}. } \item{\dots}{ Other arguments to pass to the \code{\link{plot}} call which sets up the axes. Note that the \code{...} argument will not be passed to the \code{\link{lines}} calls which actually generate the curves. } } \value{ A list of the step functions used for plotting is returned invisibly. } \author{Richard Bourgon } \examples{ # See the vignette: Diagnostic plots for independent filtering }