\name{findLargest} \alias{findLargest} \title{Find the Entrez Gene ID corresponding to the largest statistic} \description{ Most microarrays have multiple probes per gene (Entrez). This function finds all replicates, and then selects the one with the largest value of the test statistic. } \usage{ findLargest(gN, testStat, data = "hgu133plus2") } \arguments{ \item{gN}{A vector of probe identifiers for the chip.} \item{testStat}{A vector of test statistics, of the same length as \code{gN} with the per probe test statistics.} \item{data}{The character string identifying the chip.} } \details{ All the probe identifiers, \code{gN}, are mapped to Entrez Gene IDs and the duplicates determined. For any set of probes that map to the same Gene ID, the one with the largest test statistic is found. The return vector is the named vector of selected probe identifiers. The names are the Entrez Gene IDs. This could be extended in different ways, such as allowing the user to use a different selection criterion. Also, matching on different identifiers seems like another alternative. } \value{ A named vector of probe IDs. The names are Entrez Gene IDs. } \author{R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{sapply}}} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") set.seed(124) gN <- sample(ls(hgu95av2ENTREZID), 200) stats <- rnorm(200) findLargest(gN, stats, "hgu95av2") } \keyword{manip}