\name{eSetFilter} \alias{eSetFilter} \alias{getFilterNames} \alias{getFuncDesc} \alias{getRdAsText} \alias{parseDesc} \alias{parseArgs} \alias{setESetArgs} \alias{isESet} \alias{showESet} \title{A function to filter an eSet object} \description{ Given a Bioconductor's ExpressionSet object, this function filters genes using a set of selected filters. } \usage{ eSetFilter(eSet) getFilterNames() getFuncDesc(lib = "genefilter", funcs = getFilterNames()) getRdAsText(lib) parseDesc(text) parseArgs(text) showESet(eSet) setESetArgs(filter) isESet(eSet) } \arguments{ \item{eSet}{\code{eSet} an ExpressionSet object} \item{lib}{\code{lib} a character string for the name of an R library where functions of interests reside} \item{funcs}{\code{funcs} a vector of character strings for names of functions of interest} \item{text}{\code{text} a character of string from a filed (e. g. description, argument, ..) filed of an Rd file for a fucntion} \item{filter}{\code{filter} a character string for the name of a filter function} } \details{ A set of filters may be selected to filter genes in through each of the filters in the order the filters have been selected } \value{ A logical vector of length equal to the number of rows of 'expr'. The values in that vector indicate whether the corresponding row of 'expr' passed the set of filter functions. } \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{genefilter}}} \examples{ if( interactive() ) { data(sample.ExpressionSet) res <- eSetFilter(sample.ExpressionSet) } } \keyword{manip}