\name{coxfilter} \alias{coxfilter} \title{A filter function for univariate Cox regression. } \description{ A function that performs Cox regression with bindings for \code{surt}, \code{cens}, and \code{p} is returned. This function filters genes according to the attained p-value from a Cox regression using \code{surt} as the survival times, and \code{cens} as the censoring indicator. It requires \code{survival}. } \usage{ coxfilter(surt, cens, p) } \arguments{ \item{surt}{Survival times.} \item{cens}{Censoring indicator. } \item{p}{The p-value to use in filtering. } } \value{ Calls to the \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} function in the \code{survival} library are used to fit a Cox model. The filter function returns \code{TRUE} if the p-value in the fit is less than \code{p}. } \author{R. Gentleman } \seealso{\code{\link{Anova}}} \examples{ set.seed(-5) sfun <- coxfilter(rexp(10), ifelse(runif(10) < .7, 1, 0), .05) ffun <- filterfun(sfun) dat <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=10) out <- genefilter(dat, ffun) } \keyword{manip}