\name{convertPlatform} \alias{convertPlatform} \title{convertPlatform} \description{ Convert an AffyBatch object from one platform to another where the new platform is a subset of the original (i.e. hgu133atag to hgu133a). } \usage{ convertPlatform(object, new.platform) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an AffyBatch object to be converted} \item{new.platform}{the name of the platform to be converted to} } \value{ An AffyBatch object containing the data from the original object that could be mapped to the new platform. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ library(frmaExampleData) data(AffyBatch133atag) object <- convertPlatform(AffyBatch133atag, "hgu133a") } \keyword{manip}