\name{barcode} \alias{barcode} \title{Gene Expression Barcode} \description{ This function converts expression values produced via fRMA to a gene expression barcode. } \usage{ barcode(object, platform=NULL, mu=NULL, tau=NULL, cutoff=6.5, output="binary") } \arguments{ \item{object}{a vector or matrix of expression values or an ExpressionSet or frmaExpressionSet produced by frma} \item{platform}{the platform of the input data. One of GPL96, GPL570, GPL1261. Required if object is a vector or matrix.} \item{mu}{the mean of the unexpressed distribution. If NULL then precomputed values are used.} \item{tau}{the standard deviation of the unexpressed distribution. If NULL then precomputed values are used.} \item{cutoff}{the lod score cutoff used if output is binary.} \item{output}{the desired values to be returned. Options are: p-value, z-score, lod, binary, or weight.} } \value{ A matrix containing the type of output specified by the output parameter. The option \emph{binary} creates a gene expression barcode where 1s denote expressed genes and 0s denote unexpressed genes. The option \emph{p-value} returns the p-values for the expression values under the unexpressed distribution. The option \emph{lod} returns the LOD scores for expression values under the unexpressed distribution. The option \emph{z-score} returns the z-scores for the expression values under the unexpressed distribution. The option \emph{weight} returns weights which roughly correspond to the probability of expression for each gene. } \author{Matthew N. McCall} \examples{ library(frma) library(frmaExampleData) data(AffyBatchExample) object <- frma(AffyBatchExample) bc <- barcode(object) } \keyword{manip}