\name{flowViz.par.get} \alias{flowViz.par.get} \alias{flowViz.par.set} \title{ Query and set session-wide graphical parameter defaults. } \description{ \code{flowViz.par.get} is the equivalent to \code{\link[lattice]{trellis.par.get}}. It queries the session wide defaults for all \code{lattice} and \code{flowViz} graphical parameters. \code{flowViz.par.set} is the equivalent to \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}}. It sets the same set of graphical parameters, either in the \code{flowViz} package or directly in \code{lattice}. } \usage{ flowViz.par.get(name = NULL) flowViz.par.set(name, value, ..., theme, warn = TRUE, strict = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{name}{The name of a parameter category to set. } \item{value}{ A named list of values to set for category \code{name} or a list of such lists if \code{name} is missing. } \item{\dots}{Further arguments that get passed on. } \item{theme}{ The theme to set. See \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}} for details. } \item{warn}{ This gets passed on directly to \code{trellis.par.set}. } \item{strict}{ This gets passed on directly to \code{trellis.par.set}. } } \details{ Getting and setting graphical parameters in \code{flowViz} follows exactly the mechanism of the \code{lattice} package. For all purpose and intentions, \code{flowViz.par.get} and \code{flowViz.par.get} can be viewed as wrappers around their \code{lattice} counterparts \code{\link[lattice]{trellis.par.get}} and \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}} and you should consult their documentation for further details. We introduce four new categories of graphical parameters that are relevant for \code{flowViz} plots: \describe{ \item{gate}{Controls the appearance of gate boundaries in \code{xyplots} (if \code{smooth=TRUE}) or of the points within a gate region (\code{smooth=FALSE}). Available parameters are \code{col}, \code{cex},\code{pch},\code{alpha},\code{lwd},\code{lty} and \code{fill}. } \item{gate.density}{Controls the appearance of gate boundaries in \code{densityplots}. Available parameters are \code{col}, \code{alpha},\code{lwd},\code{lty} and \code{fill}. } \item{flow.symbol}{Controls the appearance of 'regular' points in a \code{flowViz} plot. Available parameters are \code{col}, \code{cex},\code{pch},\code{alpha} and \code{fill}. } \item{gate.text}{Controls the appearance of the text used for gate names. Available parameters are \code{col}, \code{cex},\code{font},\code{alpha} and \code{lineheight}. } } } \value{ \code{flowViz.par.get} returns a list of graphical parameter defaults, if \code{name} is not empty, only for this particular category. For an empty \code{name} argument, the function returns all parameter defaults, including the ones specified in the lattice package. \code{flowViz.par.set} is called for its side-effects of setting default parameters. } \note{ Because parameter settings in \code{lattice} are device-dependent, \code{flowViz.par.get} will open a (default) device none is open at the time of the query. } \references{ Deepayan Sarker, \emph{Lattice, Multivariate Data Visualization with R}, Springer, New York, 2008 } \author{ F. Hahne} \seealso{ \code{\link[lattice]{trellis.par.get}} and \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}} } \examples{ ## Return all available parameters, including lattice ones flowViz.par.get() ## Set the font for gate names flowViz.par.set("gate.text", list(font=2)) ## Query only the gate.text category flowViz.par.get("gate.text") ## Set a lattice parameter plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol") flowViz.par.set("plot.symbol", list(col="red")) trellis.par.get("plot.symbol") ## undo all settings flowViz.par.set(list(plot.symbol=plot.symbol, gate.text=list(font=1))) }