\name{normQA} \alias{normQA} \title{Normalization quality assessment} \description{Create QA plots for a flow cytometry normalization process.} \usage{ normQA(data, morph = c("^fsc", "^ssc"), channels, odat = NULL, ask = names(dev.cur()) != "pdf", grouping = NULL, tag.outliers = FALSE, peaksOnly = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{a normalized \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}}.} \item{morph}{A character vector of channel names to use for the backgating into the morphological channels.} \item{channels}{The channels for which to create plots. Defaults to all normalized channels.} \item{odat}{The original data set, always needed if there are no warping functions available.} \item{ask}{Ask before creating a new plot.} \item{grouping}{A grouping variable in \code{data}'s \code{phenoData} slot.} \item{tag.outliers}{Logical. Add sample name to outliers in the plots.} \item{peaksOnly}{Logical. Only use data when a peak was detected in a particular sample. If set to \code{FALSE}, a average peak location is estimated.} } \details{ This function assumes that the necessary information has been added as attributes to \code{data} during the normalization procedure. Depending on the available information, a set of QA plots is generated. Available plots are: Amount of peak adjustment Warping functions Landmark classification confidence Backgating of peak events in morphological channels } \value{ This function is called for its side effect of generating plots. } \author{ Florian Hahne }