\name{curvPeaks} \alias{curvPeaks} \title{ Parse curv1Filter output } \description{ Parse the output of \code{\link[flowCore:curv1Filter-class]{curv1Filter}} and find modes and midpoints of the high-density regions. This function is considered to be internal. } \usage{ curvPeaks(x, dat, borderQuant = 0.01, n = 201, from, to, densities=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{\link[flowCore:multipleFilterResult-class]{multipleFilterResult}} produced by a \code{curv1Filter} operation. } \item{dat}{ The corresponding \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}}. } \item{borderQuant}{ A numeric in \code{[0,1]} giving the extreme quantiles for which high-density regions are ignored. } \item{n, from, to}{ Arguments are passed on to \code{\link[stats]{density}}. } \item{densities}{The optional y values of the density estimate computed for the respective data.} } \value{ A list with items \item{peaks }{x and y locations of the modes of the regions in the density estimates. } \item{regions }{the left and right margins of the regions. } \item{midpoints }{the mean of \code{regions}. } \item{regPoints }{x and y locations of the outline of the significant density regions. } \item{densFuns }{an approximation function of the density estimate } } \author{ Florian Hahne} \seealso{ \code{\link{landmarkMatrix}} } \examples{ data(GvHD) tmp <- filter(GvHD[[10]], curv1Filter("FSC-H")) res <- flowStats:::curvPeaks(tmp, exprs(GvHD[[10]])[, "FSC-H"]) }