\name{calcPearsonChi} \alias{calcPearsonChi} \title{ Pearsons chi-square statistic for comparing the probability binned datasets} \description{ This function calculates the Pearsons chi-squared statistic for comparing data binned using the \code{proBin} and \code{binByRef} functions.Internally, the function utilizes the chisq.test function. } \usage{ calcPearsonChi(ctrlRes,sampRes) } \arguments{ \item{ctrlRes}{ The result generated by calling the \code{probBin} function on a control dataset.} \item{sampRes}{ The result generated by calling the \code{byByRef} function on a sample dataset} } \value{ A list containing the statistic, p.value, observed, expected counts and the residuals } \author{Nishant Gopalakrishnan} \seealso{ \code{\link{proBin}}, \code{\link{calcPBChiSquare}}} \examples{ data(GvHD) # flow frame 1 is treated as control dataset and used to generate bins resCtrl<-proBin(GvHD[[1]][,c("FSC-H","SSC-H","Time")],200) plotBins(resCtrl,GvHD[[1]],channels=c("FSC-H","SSC-H","Time"),title="Binned control data") # Same bins are applied to flowFrame 16 resSample<-binByRef(resCtrl,GvHD[[16]][,c("FSC-H","SSC-H","Time")]) stat<-calcPearsonChi(resCtrl,resSample) } \keyword{misc}