\name{binByRef} \alias{binByRef} \title{ Bin a test data set using bins previously created by probability binning a control dataset} \description{ The bins generated by probability binning a control data set can be applied to a test data set to perfom statistical comparisions by methods such as the Chi-squared test or the probability binning statistic. } \usage{ binByRef(binRes, data) } \arguments{ \item{binRes}{ The result generated by calling teh \code{probBin} function on a control dataset.} \item{data}{ An object of class \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}}} } \value{ An enviroment containing the matrices for each bin of the test data set } \author{ Nishant Gopalakrishnan } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotBins}}, \code{\link{proBin}}} \examples{ data(GvHD) resCtrl<-proBin(GvHD[[1]],200) resSample<-binByRef(resCtrl,GvHD[[2]]) ls(resSample) } \keyword{misc}